Nagorno- karabakh problem, which appeared as a result of geopolitical changes on the world map at the end of XX century, is one of the longlasting and disastorous ethnical conflicts of the world. Its existence isn’t only the cause of the break of the territorial integrity known in the international level, but also the great danger to the security and to the mutual cooorparation in this region. Nowadays, this conflict exceeded the bounds of a controversy among two nations and became a problem of the territories.
It is known that throughout the XX century there were some ethnical clashes in Europe and most of them were solved.
Today, these conflicts are known as the dead conflicts. It means that European countries have enough practice connected with the solution of ethnical conflicts. OSCE wanted to follow Southeren Tirol sample in Abkhazia and in Southern Ossetia in Southern Caucasia, but faced failure. Russia’s support to this separatism is the main obstacle in the region. However, Southern Tirol version is considered the most potential alternative for Azerbaijan. It is believed that following the international practice can open some ways for some theoretical improvements in the solution of the problem.
Though the Southern Tirol is the European sample, there is a similarity between this autonomous status and Nagorno- Garabakh. The support of separatism in Nagorno-karabakh by Armenia and the support of it by Austria in Southern Tirol, also the demand of Austria to separate Southern Tirol from Italy after the defeat of this country in the war, and Armenian’s claim of its victory in the war and the demand to recognize the “independence ” of Nagorno- Karabakh can be regarded as the main similarities between these events.
This case is regarded as the optimal version by the government and the head of the government reiterated that Azerbaijan is ready to give Nagorno-Karabakh the highest status known in the world practice towards the solution of this conflict.
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